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Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Do You Need To Save Marriage Life?

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

You and your spouse have been bickering a lot lately and it seems as if you never agree on anything. Instead of agreeing, the both of you always come up with completely different ideas. You do not know what to do and you have had it up to your head with the married life. As a little girl or boy, you may have thought that being married would consist of roses all the time. However, now that you are married, you are finding that it not only consists of roses, but it also consists of rocks. Right now, those rocks are being thrown at the both of you. You both need to dodge those rocks or you are going to chop up the rose bushes and go down a road of divorce. We are pretty sure you still love your spouse and your spouse loves you, so you will need to do all you can do in order to save your marriage. What do you need to do to save marriage? Pay attention and we are going to give you some advice.

If you and your partner have been going through a lot of difficult times, then you need to sit down with one another.

We do not mean sit down and argue with each other, there should be no pointing fingers during this time. This time isn't the time to start playing the blame game. You need to sit down and discuss those difficulties you are going through.

When you have discovered what the problem in your marriage is, it is time to break out with that super glue and put things together. If you do not choose to fix those problems, then they will just come up in later arguments.

Have you ever noticed just how much trouble those lies cause? Whatever you do, be up front with your spouse. If something is bothering you, then let them know about it.

If you have children, then you should try to avoid divorce as much as possible. A divorce will devastate the children. You shouldn't be arguing and fighting in front of children as this can be traumatizing. If you feel you need some time away, then one of you should stay in a hotel for a couple of weeks.

Tell your children that you and your partner need some time a part, that mommy or daddy will be coming back home in a couple of weeks.

Whatever you do, don't lie to your children and don't lead them into the dark. We believe children are an important issue and they are very delicate as they are young.

To save marriage, you may need to do a lot of things, but it all depends on what has been done in the relationship. If you or your spouse cheated, then this may be a problem that will take some time to get over. However, if it is something to do with money, then there is always a solution for that. We wish you the best of luck.

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