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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Methods To Save Your Partnership

By Ronny Epling

If you are wondering how to save a relationship then you are not alone , though there are a lot of things you need to give due consideration. Start by identifying when things started to go downhill and work from there. This can be caused by communication having broken down or there may have been temporary strain on the relationship caused by the every day trials we all have to endure.

Whatever the problem is there is always a way to progress. Positivity will be beneficial in this regard and helps in a host of different ways. People can get downhearted in their approach and his does not help. Lots can change if you are able to remain positive even when things don't look so good

You are aware that things are not going well and that something is clearly wrong. You need to find a way to make things open and ready to dissect the issues . The lasting and intense relationship are ones which have a foundation of being honest and communicating directly. If these issues have not properly been dealt with then now is a good time to bring them to light and clarity .

This is a time of change and this can be challenging for some people but if something is of value then it is surely worth fighting for and this applies to your partnership as well. When you begin to work through what can often be complex and deep rooted problems try not to be judgmental. We are all different and have our own unique perspective which impacts upon our experience and how we react to things.

If during this challenging time your partner responds to something in a way that puzzles you try to get it clear in your mind before responding right away in a manner that might be interpreted as argumentative or judgmental. We can often listen in wonder to others and cannot fathom how they can see things so differently to us but this reveals one of the reasons for the fragility of the bonds we forge.

Perceiving things in this light will allow for real progress to occur and this will stop the possibility of arguments escalating to a point where there is no resolution in sight. You want to be able to speak openly but don't ever get to a stage where the only option seems to be silence as this is a danger sign

The concept of counseling for couples may appear daunting , though hiring a professional is not always a bad idea to consider. They can mediate any heated discussions that may occur and they are trained in understanding the human mind and reasons for behavior. They are also a neutral party who will not take sides , and they are on hand to offer useful insights.

No matter how difficult things become never resort to acting in a childish manner. Emotions can make us feel vulnerable and defensive but that does not excuse some of the infantile behavior that many adults have been guilty of when it comes to relationships. Learn from the mistakes of others,

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