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Monday, February 7, 2011

The Simple 5 Ways I Found To Save My Marriage

By Vicky Manning

When someone purchases a fine, new automobile, it runs smoothly. After awhile, it requires maintenance. The engine might quit working after a few more years. To save the car, the engine must be repaired. Relationships require maintenance. After a few years, they often need repairs. This is the secret 5 ways I found to save my marriage.

Believe you and your spouse belong together. When you exchanged vows, you entered into a covenant. It doesn't matter who performed the ceremony, or where it took place. It was a special celebration. Two people cared enough to join their lives together. When things go wrong, pray for guidance. Then follow the next four easy steps. Together, these are the secret 5 ways I found to save my marriage.

Maintain a positive attitude. Never entertain negative thoughts about your spouse. Every negative thought must be rejected. If you speak them, they will grow roots. The roots will get into your heart. Replace each one with a positive one immediately. Speak only positive words. Thoughts and words fill the atmosphere. They build up, or tear down. We create the atmosphere in our lives by what we think and say. Think of nice things to say about your spouse. Say them only when it's appropriate.

Keep communication lines open. Even though this advice is over used, it is important. Don't do all the talking. Cultivate the art of listening. Don't make excuses of being too busy. There was time for each other before the wedding. Make sure there is time now. Cancel appointments if necessary. Make dates instead. Get a babysitter. Go somewhere alone. Have a romantic dinner. Put on some music. Put on your best cologne/perfume. Smile. Laugh. It's good medicine. And it's good communication.

Practice good communication. This doesn't mean you should do all the talking. Communication is more than just saying words. It is keeping the communication lines open. Being available to talk, and to listen. For some, listening is the more difficult part. Get comfortable with being quiet while another speaks, or while no one speaks. Listen, without thinking about what is on your "to do" list. Go for a walk. Spend time together alone. Leave the kids with their grandparents for a weekend. Rent a cabin. Share a meal. Share a funny story. Laugh together. Smile a lot.

Be agreeable. If your spouse says a black horse is white, don't challenge that statement. Don't be critical. Don't complain. Refuse to argue. It takes two to argue. And no one wins. Forget all past arguments. Forget all past wrongs. Don't hold grudges. Forgive. Guard against over reactions. Remain calm. Think before speaking. Words are powerful, and difficult to retract.

Always be faithful to your spouse. If he/she is cheating, don't give up. The battle isn't over yet. If you are unfaithful too, the situation will certainly get worse. Be determined to win. Battles always come before victories.

Throw away the parachute. Ride out the storm. Don't bail out until you give it your best effort. You can make it through to victory. These are the 5 ways I found to save my marriage. May they do the same for you.

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