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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Discover What You Can Do to Keep Your Marriage Alive and Stop a Divorce

By Sarah Scott

As you most likely know already divorce is a huge decision to make and should be done so with lots of thought and careful consideration. You and your spouse used to be madly in love together. Remember those days when divorce felt impossible? Days full of laughter, fun, play, passion and excitement. What has happened to those days? I'm sure you've asked yourself that question countless of times.

There could several reasons why your relationship isn't working but I'll tell you the one thing that every troubled relationship has in common. Disturbed marriages happen because destructive emotions from life's harsh realities have come between you and your spouse. Daily stress gave and caused toxic emotions that deteriorated your once flourishing but now dying marriage.

Before getting wed, you knew that a marriage would have it's highs, lows and plateaus Divorce is actually quitting. No growth can be gained without pain. Instead of signing those divorce papers, opt for a temporary answer to your problem. Try experimenting with a trial separation before you get divorce. A trial separation allows each individual to reevaluate their own life and get space and breathing room from their harmful marriage. If done properly , a trial marriage separation CAN stop your marriage from dying.

Here are some guidelines when it comes successful marriage separation:

-Don't date other folks while you're temporary separated. If you are attempting to save your marriage, dating other people will only complicate your relationship. -Don't choose to separate without making clear and understandable terms. You and your spouse have to be on the same page when it comes to a trial separation. -Don't continually contact your partner during a separation. The point of living under different roofs is so you and your partner can figure out whether you both desire one another in your lives. If you constantly call your spouse--you're not going to be getting the full benefits of a separation. -If you do want to save your marriage, these are some things you've got to do in a trial marriage separation. -Do continue communication with your other half about once ever other week or so. Plan to make a time to catch up on each other's life. -Do date your other half. This is going to be a chance for you and your other half to rediscover and reignite your attraction for one another. -Do tell your spouse your agenda when you come over to fix the house, take care of finances, see the kids and and so on. Can you think how your spouse would feel if they thought you were coming over for a date when your agenda was different .

A trial separation can keep your marriage alive if you do it properly. As long as you and your spouse set up simple and straightforward rules, as well as a time-frame, plan on seeing a marriage counselor (this can immensely increase your chances of saving your relationship).

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