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Friday, April 29, 2011

Couples Counseling Could Save Your Relationship

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

When my husband and I were going through a nasty spell we went to a trusted source for couples counseling and direction. It seemed more important to me at that time than it did for my husband, which made our relationship even more strained.

It isn't uncommon for one party to be inclined to go for help and the other to resist. The reason for this is a simple one. There is a deep concern inside some people, to keep their private life private. This can pose a problem when trouble in your "private" relationship might need some outside intervention.

You might think to yourself, that this is ridiculous, I don't need help with anything, we can work this out on our own. Well, it is my bet that if you are reading this article, then you need some outside help with your relationship.

There is no loss of points for anyone in this life who comes to the point where they realize their need for help. In fact, you should be rewarded for being honest with yourself and your mate that it might be time to seek counseling. This is a tough world these days and you are not alone in your struggles.

I have about four hundred friends and relatives and a close church family, and I truly don't know one single couple who hasn't struggled in some way with some thing. Don't think for a minute that just because someone is walking with Jesus that they don't have the same troubles as everyone else.

It might appear that they have it all handled but the truth is that they are waiting for God to work a miracle, to intervene in a mighty way and turn the bad to good. Don't wait for a bigger blow out before you get some counsel.

I recommend a Godly counselor, since they are motivated by the deep understanding that God wants to reconcile people and is against division. or, divorce. They will work harder at a resolution and practical steps for you two to take in order to cause a bad thing to become beautiful. The church we go to will counsel for free as a service to God, but some churches may charge, since the person or people counseling likely has all the credentials and is doing this for a living.

If you are not a Christian person, then you will still benefit from a church counselor. If you feel compelled to resist that type of couples counseling; then you might want to ask yourself why. If you come up with no truly good reason, then go. But in an effort to do something, please, take the advice of someone who knows, and go to someone, the phone book is full of good counselors who are qualified to help you and your mate. Pick up the telephone today and get started on the road to reconciliation, you will be glad you did.

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