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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tips On Ways How To Save A Marriage

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

If you are looking for tips on how to save a marriage, then you have come to the right place. I'm sure there are a lot of things going through you're mind right now, maybe feeling alone. Well don't, there are many people who have gone through a divorce before, but we are going to concentrate on keeping things from reaching that point.

Congratulations on taking your first step towards saving your marriage. Clearly, you are willing put in the necessary effort. It appears you realized there was a need for a change and luckily, you did. Unfortunately, a majority do not realize until it is too late. Let's start now on ways to go about to save a marriage.

Sit down and talk with your spouse: People tend to have many different interpretations on what sitting down and talking involves. There is the right way and the wrong way. Right now, however we are not going to concentrate on the wrong way, but rather on an effective way to speak and listen to your spouse. Now listen very carefully, since relate on how to save a marriage:

Listen to them, as you would want them to listen to you. This is crucial. If you do not show them that you care about what they have to say, then why should they care about what you say? Ok, so I'm glad we understand each other. While they are talking, do not interrupt them, even if you do not agree with something they are saying. You will have your turn after they are finished saying what they have to say. If you don't listen to them, then you are never going to have an understanding to what the problem is.

When it is your turn to talk, let them know how you are feeling. Do not attack them for the things that they said. There is also no reason to get defensive. Concentrate more on the problems you are trying to resolve. It does not hurt to ask them to clarify, but not in an attacking manner. This is why "I feel" statements, do work. Work on giving your spouse the assurance that you will not repeat the same mistakes over again.

Make some plans to do some of the same things together as you used to. Surprise them with a gift or make their favorite meal, these are just a few of the little things that you might have done for them in the past and no longer do. Well, we tend to forget how much it means to the other person and they sometimes may take it, as we do not care.

Do not stop living with each other, unless it has already reached this point. Living apart makes it harder for most to get back together. It is an easier way to escape and not have to deal with the problems.

To do therapy or not to: Well, this is a question to consider. You may want to consider doing therapy on an individual basis. This will give you someone to talk to about the things that are currently going on and will give you a shoulder to cry on. Who knows, it could lead you to find something new about yourself. Try getting your spouse to go to marriage counseling with you. Marriage therapy benefits anyone, regardless to the extent of his or her problems. It also gives you a place to discuss delicate issues with a non-biased referee.

Therapy should always be a consideration. The negative stigmatization once attached no longer remains as once before. Individual therapy offers you a place to go and vent your frustrations. Just think of it as a helpful ear lend. If you can get your spouse to go to marriage counseling then this, I strongly recommend. Marriage therapy offers a place for the two of you to go and speak with each other in a healthy manner. Even those without major difficulties have found marriage therapy beneficial.

As everyone learns after the honeymoon phase of their marriage, it requires a lot of work from both people involved. Some are shocked after finding this out and this goes beyond their initial expectations, resulting in the end of the marriage. There are problems in any relationship and whether each within the relationship decide to face up to them together. The most important way to save a marriage is communication between both partners.

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