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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How To Save Marriage In 5 Steps

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

Are you worried about the state of your marriage? Has the love seemed to disappear from your relationship? Could you and your mate be arguing all the time, followed by bouts of just ignoring one another? If you want to find out how to save marriage, read on. It all begins with the first step: your desire to improve your relationship.

Communication is perhaps the most vital part of any marriage or partnership. If you do not communicate openly with your mate, misunderstandings can occur and lead your relationship astray. Let each other know what is going on in your life and your feelings about things that might be happening. Don't be afraid to tell them if something is wrong, but also make sure to compliment them when they are doing well. Break down the walls that might have built up and relax with your spouse.

At times, when a problem does come up, or issues are starting to compound, they can easily lead your marriage down the wrong road if not addressed. Sit down with your spouse, lay out whatever is bothering you, and talk about it. Be calm, honest, and patient. Try to work it out together. Don't let the problem keep tearing your marriage apart.

Have you spent any quality time together recently? Having fun together and taking the time out for each other is critical to a healthy marriage. Get closer to your spouse by spending an evening playing games together, having a day at the beach, or even a walk in the park. Make the time for your spouse and you will notice a great improvement in your relationship.

Are you affectionate and romantic with your partner? Few things can kill a marriage as quickly as it being deprived of love and affection. Love and physical contact are a need for both spouses. Revive the romance! Surprise them with little acts of love. Tell them often that you love them. Make the effort to take a couple nights out of the week and just cuddle up together for a move. Spice things up in the bedroom. Spend time seducing each other with loving words and foreplay before you make love. Try a new position one night even.

Go on a vacation and unwind! So many times, the stresses of your daily life can put a strain on you and thus your marriage. Take your partner and get away for a while. Do something you've both wanted to try, visit a theme park, or take a cruise for a few days. As long as you are decompressing together, it doesn't matter what you do. Unwinding is key to bringing back some affectionate feelings for each other.

You wanted to learn some ways how to save marriage, and these are a wonderful start. Just remember to take the time to communicate and spend time with each other. Most of all, relax and stop worrying about every little thing they do wrong. Love and enjoy your partner and you will have a great marriage!

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