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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Q&A: She Doesn't Love Me Anymore - How Should I Solve This?

By Clay Andrews

Q: My girlfriend and i are still together but the last time we talked she told me she doesn't love me anymore. What does this mean for the relationship?

A: Well, I'm going to be completely honest with you here. This is never a good sign. If the two of you are still with each other then chances are she just wants you for the comfort of being part of a couple. She's probably with you because she hasn't found a guy to replace you with yet. In order to save the relationship, you need to be firm with her and let her know that you aren't putting up with the situation. Just break up with her and allow her to live with her decision. Don't be surprised if she suddenly changes her mind and want the relationship to be OK again.

Q: It's been a week since my girlfriend and I broke up. She told me she still loves me. I tried to resume the relationship but she was angry and told me she doesn't love me anymore. What does this mean for me?

A: She probably told you she loves you just to avoid hurting you too much. But then you probably committed a common mistake like trying hard to contact her. This probably got her angry, making her tell you she doesn't love you anymore just so you would stop bugging her. Seriously though, her emotions must be in chaos right now. If she's not acting too cold towards you, chances are you can still get her back. Try thinking more about yourself right now and focus on your life for about a month. This would make her miss you again as she starts to think that she is losing you. Go as slow as possible and don't act as if you are trying to "win" her back, instead treat her like you normally would another person.

Q: What should I do if she tells me she doesn't love me anymore but I do and want her back with me?

A: I suggest that you start off by using the No Contact Rule. Using this trick will let you get your emotions together as well as make her miss you. After a month, you'll be much more rational when you see each other again which make it easy to talk with each other and figure out how the relationship could work. Don't speed up the process and instead maintain a slow pace. Enjoy the dating stage and let yourself re-learn your girlfriend.

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